Join / Support Team In Stead!

posted under by Donya Quixote
Would you like to be part of Team In Stead? As long as you're ready, willing, and able to blog for Christ, all you have to do is email us at to tell us you're interested, then wait for your invite.

Guidelines for Posting
  1. Don't limit yourself! You don't have to write about spiritual things all the time. Write about anything and everything. Write about what makes you tick. What excites you. Write about what you want to write. Write with passion.
  2. Try to have a point. Give us a reason to want to read your stuff.
  3. As much as possible, keep your writing style consistent.
  4. Try not to revolve too much on yourself and on things that most people can't relate to, unless it's necessary to the story/entry that you'd like to share. [e.g. Laila and I went to Jollibee and I ordered some french fries but she ate it all and then we went to watch a movie and then...] We would love to read about that in your personal blog though, so we do encourage you to write about it there. :)
  5. Update as much as you can. Show us everything you've got! Keep on, keep on, keep on writing. But limit your posts to one post a day.

Link to Team In Stead!

Support us by linking us on your websites! Just copy and paste the codes below. ;)

Team In Stead


Team In Stead


Team In Stead

