kaBenj's abstruse entry number two.

posted under by Unknown
you see, humanity is in a state of ever clueless-ness. in our lifetime, there will always be things unknown. and even if the next generations discover what was unknown to us today, they will have their own unknowns. we cannot know it all. in fact, we are uncertain even of the very statement that there are next generations. we simply do not know.

one of the things we do not (and in fact try to) know is the future. what lies ahead? what is in store for me? don't we all want to know what's gonna happen so we could avoid the bad things and prolong the good times? but we are stuck with the fact that our limited understanding does not extend to what is yet to come. 

we are born to hold on to something. we can all attest to that. we have to have the confidence to live on. 

there is a need for faith. 


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