Keeping The PASSION Alive!

posted under by Gian Alvarez

Finally! I saw Chris Tomlin perform live last night at PASSION Manila at the Ultra! Praise God!

I didn’t expect that PASSION Manila would have a great impact in me. I excused myself from a musical theatre rehearsal just to attend this event. Little did I know that God is preparing something for me. Something great that even I can’t fathom. I was really blessed by the story of Ashley. She lived a short Christian life but her life was never wasted.

I was so blessed to be a part of the crowd. Singing and dancing out loud for God even though my voice can’t take it anymore. I won’t mind if I come to our musical theatre rehearsal on monday with this kind of voice. What's more important is that I used my voice for His renown.

I don’t know why I suddenly burst into tears while singing Amazing Grace. Maybe for a fact that I’ve been living a sinful life during the past few months (or years). I can't even hear my cry 'coz people are shouting and singing for God. I just stood there and cried. I recalled the crazy stuff I did that really hurt people around me, things that really hurt Jesus. What did I do with my life? Jesus doesn’t deserve this kind of payment after saving me from death on that cross. My life is a total mess I should say.

But like what “Fruitcake” said, we Christians are not perfect. But the very essence of being a Christian is living a life that is fully dependent (is that the right word?) on God’s grace. Amazing indeed! I can say that this is really crazy!

What happened last night is an awesome and unique experience for me. After months (or years) of being deaf to God’s Word, I’m finally revived! Praise God for that! Thanks to the whole team of PASSION Manila for letting us, Filipinos, experience this. I’m really blessed by the music, the Word, the dancing, and the PASSION that’s in the heart of the people there.

God! You are in this city. 'For greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city.'

To God be the Glory! God bless PASSION! Our prayers are with you.

KL! Get ready!!!

Visit for more details about the tour.


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